Things are not always what they seem...

I love cookie cutters. For me, they are hard to resist. OK...the copper cutters that cost $12.95 plus shipping are a little easier to resist than the tin ones costing $2.95, but having the perfect cutter is really fun.

Do you always have to have the perfect cutter? No. Take a look at the cutters in your stash/basket/closet. Turn them around, look at them with a different eye. What else could they be?
These little bees were made with my pumpkin cutter. Is the shape perfect? No. Did it work? Absolutely. Not a soul said, "hey...this is supposed to be a pumpkin!"

I love this bee! It is perfect for so many occasions. With a note attached, the cookies can say:

BEE my honey
You've been a busy bee!
Thanks for BEEing there!
BEE sweet
You'll BEE great!

Have you re-purposed any of your cookie cutters?

Too Hot To Cook? Make a Lettuce Wrap

I love lettuce cups and garden wraps- so fresh and light.

Too hot to cook and you're contemplating going gluten-free to boot? Try a greenwich on for size. Garden fresh lettuce wraps make for an ultra-easy lunch that is perfect for sizzling summer days. Wrap or cradle your favorite sandwich filling with tender Boston lettuce or crisp romaine. Stuff smaller cups with your favorite salad or use larger leaves to wrap and roll a layered classic.

One of the first recipes I started with on my gluten-free journey years ago was the simple idea of wrapping various sandwich fillings in crisp washed lettuce leaves. The possibilities are endless.

Boston lettuce (aka butter lettuce) leaves make deliciously tender wraps. Romaine is sturdier; fill it lengthwise- like a boat- and simply fold it, rib on bottom. When fillings are messy, wrap the wrap with a piece of wax paper, plastic wrap or foil.

Lettuce wraps are great fun for kids. Set up a buffet style Greenwich Bar- with all the fixin's- and let them choose from an assortment of fillings to design their and wrap their own creations.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

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Pinon Rice Bake with Artichokes and Goat Cheese

Brown rice with artichokes, roasted corn, chiles, pine nuts and goat cheese.

Here's a favorite make-ahead rice dish recipe with Mediterranean flavors- artichokes, plum tomatoes, pine nuts and goat cheese. Entertaining made simple. And there are never any leftovers.

Having someone new over for dinner always sends me into a flurry of activity fueled by nervous energy and worry. I obsess over obscure details (like an iTune playlist), change my mind about the menu (wait- enchiladas or lasagna?), forget ingredients (dagnabbit! the green beans are still in the car). So I've learned (yes, the hard way) to always make a few key dishes ahead of time. Then dinner is basically done.

And I'm not stuck in the kitchen spilling olive oil on a new silk shirt.

I can relax (well, sort of). And- goddess willing- I won't set the oven on fire because I'm too busy discussing the yummy Anderson Cooper and sipping my second vodka martini to a Diana Krall tune.

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Espace Part 1

My Top Ten Gluten-Free Products

My Top Ten Gluten-Free Favorites
[it goes to eleven]

These quickie reviews of my favorite gluten-free products are not sponsored by the manufacturers. I accepted no free samples, coupons, or other please-blog-about-us incentives.

1. Pamela's Amazing Gluten Free Bread Mix with sorghum and millet flour is the best tasting gluten-free bread mix by far. Seriously. I've made it with eggs and without eggs. Both ways are delicious. I've even made killer rustic baguettes with Pamela's (pictured above).

2. One of my favorite gluten-free pasta noodles is Ancient Harvest Quinoa Pasta, Spaghetti Style, Supergrain. It's non-starchy and has the bite of a good Italian linguine. For those unable to do corn, Tinkyada gluten-free pasta is also excellent. The Tinkyada White Rice Spaghetti is smooth and creamy (and even gluten-eaters love it). And the Tinkyada Brown Rice Lasagne with Rice Bran makes light, delicious lasagna.

3. Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix is the best all-around all-purpose baking and pancake mix. Why? It features buttermilk and almond meal. Beginners can use Pamela's mix as a one-to-one sub for wheat flour in gluten-free baking. For those who need a dairy-free vegan mix try Namaste Gluten-Free Waffle and Pancake Mix.

4. Highly regarded Bob's Red Mill has finally added a gluten-free polenta and cornmeal to their esteemed line of products. Lucky us! For those who love polenta and care about quality- we now have Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Corn Grits, Polenta and Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Cornmeal. Look for the GF symbol on the package.

5. Ancient Harvest Quinoa Flakes is a hot breakfast cereal rich in vegan protein and calcium. I enjoy it as a warm bowl of comfort drizzled with maple syrup. And I absolutely love using it in baking- especially in cookie, muffin, and cake recipes. Browse my quinoa recipes here.

5.5 I also enjoy Bob's Red Mill whole grain organic quinoa as pilaf, tabbouleh, and  a high protein alternative  to rice.  (If you also like rice and risotto, Lundberg Farms is the way to go.)

6. Stevia and flavored stevia extracts are a zero calorie all natural sweetener. Unlike some stevia products, Sweet Leaf has a clean sugar taste (no weird quasi-licorice aftertaste). I use it in coffee, tea, smoothies and cold drinks- because, frankly, who needs the extra calories on a daily basis? Note: stevia is a super sweet herb in the aster family- if you have aster allergies, please check with your physician before using.

7. Coconut Aminos is a raw coconut based (and fabulous!) gluten-free soy-free soy sauce  alternative. I use it in stir-fry and Asian inspired recipes.

8. MimiCreme cashew and almond based cream is thick and rich and vegan to boot. Use it in dairy-free recipes instead of dairy cream and sour cream.

9. Spectrum Organic Shortening is a neutral tasting non-hydrogenated vegan butter and shortening replacement in baking recipes. Great for cookies, biscuits and scones.

10. A perennial favorite here on the blog, vegan Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips are gluten, dairy, and soy free.

11. Organic Raw Blue Agave is a low glycemic natural vegan sweetener that is wonderful for subtle sweetening in sauces, beverages and baking.

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