♥ my SKIN MD package has arrived from Vonvon's Giveaway ♥

I won the SKIN MD NATURAL giveaway from Vonvon's Blog. (Pls check out her lovely blog).
Thanks to SKIN MD NATURAL & also Vonvon's Blog for these freebies^^
& I just received the package last night (dated 4th March 2010). It was shipped all the way from Beverly Hills.
I can't wait to test on it to see the improvement for my dry skin after a couple of days try~~
Review will be posted soon.... :)
Pls check the official Skin MD Natural website for more information. Here.

(the package box.. yayy^^)

 (the whole prize from Skin MD)

 (Shielding Lotion & some samples)

 (the samples)

(the 'big' prize)