Strawberry Hemp Milk Smoothie

Strawberry Hemp Smoothie
Strawberry smoothie- vegan and dairy-free deliciousness.

It's that time of year. Smoothie weather is upon us. Time to whip fresh fruit  into a frenzy of deliciousness. Then go for a walk. And burn off those winter blues. Not to mention those mysterious little bumps and bulges that creep in out of nowhere and remind you of your Aunt Ida. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Wearing nothing but your birthday suit? I have. Some scary stuff.

So I'm motivated. I ordered my first kettlebell. Don't worry- I'm not attempting this kettlebell action unsupervised. I have a fabulous (gluten-free) trainer teaching me the correct and proper form (check out his new blog here- some of you might recognize him). You don't want to mess with this willy nilly. Subtle mistakes can lead to trouble. (Trust me, there's a lot of bad form out there.) Ouch.

So far I am seriously diggin' this whole Russian kettlebell thing. On days off I actually crave cleans, swings and squats.

Who knew getting strong could be so much fun?

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