[Wallpaper] Bu Bu Jing Xin 步步惊心

Digging through all my old fanarts made me miss Photoshop and it must be about a year since I last touched it.

Usually you can tell when I'm a) procrastinating and/or b) obsessed with something when I spent loads of time making fanart for it. Fanfiction is something I do on regular basis so unless a plot bunny take over, I usually don't use it to procrastinate :P. Anyway, the subject of my current occupation is Bu Bu Jing Xin.

相思十诫 is a song that takes a little getting used to, but I'm slowly falling in love with it, which is why I went crazy and made wallpapers around its theme (beneath the cut).

Click for full size


AAQR: Gem Spinner (game)

NOTE: This game was given away on Amazon Free App of the Day (not any more)

Gem Spinner is a genre masher, combining Bejeweled and Tetris.

The field is full of different "pieces" each containing several colored gems. You need to make 3 consecutive gems (horizontal or vertical only) of same color. The catch is, you can only move gems INSIDE the piece. You cannot shift a gem across two different pieces. If you remove gems, that square turns "dark" and gems are removed, and more gems drop from above to "fill" the pieces. If you don't see obvious possibilities, you can "rotate" pieces (double tap the piece) 180 degrees and see if that gives you more ideas. If you turn ALL squares of the piece dark, that piece is removed from the board. The idea is to remove as many pieces as possible before the time limit expire. You can actually MOVE the pieces around when you have removed a few pieces already and have some room to maneuver.

Too complicated? Yes. It's hard to keep track of all this stuff in your head. Not a bad idea, but a bit too complicated for action puzzler.

(Link to be added later)

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Bradford Statue Erected On August 31

Norman, Oklahoma - Sam Bradford is ready for its second season in the NFL, and because the St. Louis Rams quarterback, is involved in this preparation, it will be unable to return to campus of Oklahoma, this fall for a formal unveiling of his statue in Heisman Park.

OU officials have announced they will proceed to lift the statue on Aug. 31, without ceremony, but will be holding the room in

Kreayshawn Top MTV Video Music Awards Quiz

U.S. rap singer and songwriter Kreayshawn participated in MTV Video Music Awards news quiz. Although the rapper claimed she did not grow up with cable television, MTV News focused its model to show them in preparation to host the red carpet at the MTV Video Music 2011 (VMA). In the game, shared his knowledge of recent music performances Kreayshawn she did the price of the MTV Video Music (VMA).

[Avatar] The Chronicles of Narnia - Terror Gold

I'll probably do a flood of avatar posts in the next few days but for now I'll probably stop this.

Fanfiction tends to be associated with bad, cliched writings these days, but the fact of life is that there are good, excellent, I-can't-believe-someone-wrote-something-so-brilliant fanfictions out there. I could do a whole post on fangirling certain Narnia fanfic writers (though I've just sort of drifted away from the fandom for a while now...not sure why. I think life took over), but this is the ultimate proof that I'm really in love with a fanfic: I make fanart for said fanfic.

The fic in question is Terror Gold by the brilliant, brilliant Lirenel, who is one of the my favourite Narnia writers.

The summary: Before the duel, Lucy explains to Caspian why the High King has acted so bitterly towards him, and why the Telmarines should fear the Golden Fire. 

The fic can be further summarised by the rhyme which is a part of the fic:

Two kings, two crowns
Silver and Gold crowns
Lost Silver stand strong
Silver of the right and wrong
Gold comes, terror Gold
Riding forth, fierce and bold
Silver tarnish, Silver dire
Burning west a Golden fire
How many does the Gold one burn?

A combination of the beauty of the poem and the chill I got from this fic meant that I couldn't rest until I made these:

 Stock: Spareoom.Net

[Avatar] The Chronicles of Narnia - The Call

There was once when I had the time and the enthusiasm to make a whole load of avatars, though for what use I wasn't sure.

I was just cleaning through my laptop and found these, and thought I would just post them here.

Regarding the Narnia film franchise, I enjoyed The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, hated Prince Caspian, except for awesome!Edmund and was bored and confused with Dawn Treader. But I do have to admit the theme song of Prince Caspian, The Call by Regina Spektor, is to die for.

So I made a bunch of avatars for it.

Stock: Spareoom.Net, White As Snow Graphics
The Call brushes: I have completely forgotten where I got them...
Other brushes: DeviantArt

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

AAQR: ZDefense, a tower defense game

Zdefense was given away a few days back on Amazon, and it's basically HexDefense with an editor thrown in, and difficulty turned WAY up, and a few twists.

The actual combat is standard fare... "creeps" emerge from entrance hex, and goes for the exit hex, via whatever efficient way they see. Your job is to kill them and prevent them from getting through, using whatever turrets available. Turret choices are your standard list: cannon, laser, missile, shockwave, slow. Each can be upgraded umpteenth times. Kill creeps to get money for upgrades.

This game throws in a few more twists

Mountains: a tower on a mountain hex have vastly improved range

No-build hexes: you can't build on those, but creeps and move on them

Warp-gates: creeps enter a warp gate will instantly emerge from the matching warp gate at a different sector of the map

Tunnels: creeps that enter the tunnel will stay inside and move until it gets to tunnel exit (and can be shot at in the meanwhile)

And as said, it even has a map editor, and ability to take screenshots to celebrate your winning moment (and share them with friends). The maps can then be shared as well.

It also features 3 levels of difficulty, and even on easy, some of these maps are quite hard.

At $1.99 regular price, this is not a bad way to spend it, albeit a bit derivative.


AAQR: Safari Sunset Free Live Wallpaper

Safari Sunset (Free) looks pretty for a "safari" sunset scene. However, it takes 8 MB of download to do it, and it asks you to allow it receive SMS?!?!?! permissions... and 12 MB of RAM.

Not sure if that is worth it.


AAQR: Underwater Ripples (Live Wallpaper) free

Another OwnSkin creation, this LWP makes no sense at all. You appear to be underwater, then you see all these "ripples" randomly appear. How can you have "ripples" underwater?

Somewhat amusing for a little while.


AAQR: Google Android Flag 3D Live Wallpaper (free)

Andy the Android flying a "Google Flag" which is "waving" in the "wind" in 3D.

Animation is pretty well done, but it's taking up 13 MB in memory, AND it lags my phone.


AAQR: Beauty Camera (camera / retouch) free

Beauty Camera is supposed to let you "touch up" a photo, adjust tone / brightness and stuff.

Unfortunately it doesn't work on my OG Droid. It won't load the pix, index the pix on the camera, or even load a pix from Gallery, much less take a camera pix directly. Either it just crash and restarts, or it just crashes, period. Even a recent update didn't help.


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I suppose the moral of the story is don't judge a book by its title?

I spent the months of March, April, May wrestling with a book that will be my horror until the end of time.

Consumer.ology by Philip Graves.

I think I was fooled by its funky title when I agreed to translate it. (I was also fooled by the purple prose. I think when I read it before I accepted it, I was reading it on autopilot mode, so the book superficially appeared to be interesting.) I regretted it for a whole three months.

The book on the surface was supposed to be about consumer behaviour, which to be honest wasn't a subject that came to me easily when I did it at university. I actually got a decent mark in it but it was hard. But I thought I'd at least have some background on it and would be able to do it, though it might be a little harder than Brand New World.

Oh boy, I was wrong. The basic gist of the book is: market research is popular, but it doesn't work, because people don't know what they want and they say one thing but want something else. Sounded simple enough, except that the book was laced with about 80% pure, academic psychology, which, let's just say, I don't have enough background to even understand in English. But that actually wasn't the problem.

The problem was that this book just read like a very, very long piece of discouragement. The author went on and on and on about how market research is faulty, lists reasons a, b, c about why market research is terrible, based on these x, y, z theories of psychology, but doesn't tell you what the alternative to it is. It was extremely repetitive, like someone took a hammer and was beating the message into my head. There came a point in the book where I literally banged my head down on the keyboard and wanted to scream, "Fine, I get it, market research sucks! Now tell me what to do differently!"

And I've finished the book, but I still don't know what the alternative is.

Actually, no, I do. The author says that instead of asking people (market research) what they want, you should see (observe) what people do and base your market decisions on that. Except that when he finally got to this alternative method, it was like he ran out of steam, having spent 200 pages talking about how faulty the talking method is. So he sort of waffles through a couple of examples of the observation method and say that this is the best method.

Except I have a feeling the author rather misses the point of the whole concept of market research in the first place. He defines market research (very narrowly) as going around talking to people and having people telling you what they want. Then he spends the whole book shooting it down, saying this is horrible. Yet his alternative is just another aspect of market research. I thought the idea was rather obvious. Of course you can't base your decisions on what people say alone, you have to observe what they do.

I don't think any undergrad student who took MARK2012 (Marketing Research) at my university really thought that the company we did our research project for should definitely sell rainbow lollies because a bunch of UNSW students who came to our focus groups say so. Even applied to real life, isn't it rather obvious that yes, people do change their mind, and yes, if people are in a focus group being filmed, they're going to act not themselves, so you shouldn't take everything they say at face value? (That's his entire argument against market research, basically.)

So I guess in the end, I just don't know what the point of the book was. It was rather like proving the obvious, yet in a very long-winded, discouraging, repetitive manner.

It didn't help the translation process that I wasn't convinced by many of the author's arguments in the first place, and his writing style was...weird. It was like reading an academic piece of Conrad (I can't stand Joseph Conrad's writing style.) My editor wasn't too fond of this book either so I'm not sure what state it will be in when it finally hit the printers. I have a feeling it'll be a lot shorter.

PS: I have absolutely no idea why my ISP has decided to block the domain blogspot.com. I have to use a proxy to actually view blogspot. How fun.

AAQR: Flick Kick Football (game)

Does NOT work on my OG Droid. I just get crash to desktop. YMMV.


AAQR: Everlands (Hex Strategy Game)

Everlands is a hex-based chess-like strategy game featuring a wide variety of units. The idea is to convert enemy pieces (by attacks) while prevent your pieces from being converted, so when the board is fully occupied you have more pieces than the enemy side on the board. It is like Othello, but combined with chess and special attacks and abilities.

There's a cute story about how some sort of substance have caused animals to go bonkers, and as one of the few unaffected animals, you have to beat the berserk animals to convert them back (by winning battles) and eventually get to the source of the problem.

Each animal has an attack rating and life rating. They can only attack or defend in SOME directions (not all six at once). So facing is VERY important. Most units also have a special activity. Kiwi bird can lay an egg (to take up a different spot on the map), when it is placed (so it takes up 2 spots, instead of one), while raccoon can 'steal' eggs (convert the egg to your side), for excample. With over a dozen animals, and you take turns to put units on the map, this game is a lot deeper than it first appears.

(NOTE: Giveaway on Amazon appstore for a day)

Try it!

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AAQR: Overkill (2-D Sidescroller / Shooter)

Remember R-Type, a shooter that basically have you shoot everything coming from the right side of the screen? Overkill is like that.

You can get weapon upgrades between levels, and with 3 different weapons (guns, missiles, special) there is a bit of RPG involved.

By using tilt controls motion is very smooth. Worth trying.

NOTE: NOT related to the vertical 2D shooter from Epic Megagames.

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AAQR: Trip Journal (GPS app)

Does not work. Don't even see the main menu.


AAQR: Dragon, Fly! (game)

"Dragon, Fly!" is a cute little super-simple game that has a bit of physics simulation, and is a relative to the helicopter game where you try to navigate a cave by 'touch to go up, release to go down'. In this game, you're a baby dragon who want to fly, but can only "hop" for now. Slide down a hill and use the momentum to fly up a little. The idea is to outrun your momma as much as possible! Whimsical cute little game.

Rating: Try it

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Saint Seiya Animage Anime Grand Prix Winner

The Saint Seiya anime is based on the manga series of the same title. The series has three main parts: Sanctuary (episodes 1 to 73), Asgard (74 to 99), and Poseidon (100 to 114).

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Girl Animes

AAQR: Gem Miner Dig Deeper (game)

Does not work on my OG Droid. Can choose difficulty level, but the playing field never appeared.


AAQR: A Game With Balls / AGWB (game, duh)

Does not seem to work on my OG Droid. Game just quits after going through the title screen.


Zero no Tsukaima Love Anime

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Anime Wallpaper

Zombie Loan Ring of Death

Avatar: The Last Airbender Mixture of Anime and US Cartoons

Avatar: The Last Airbender is animated TV series about a world of martial arts and elemental manipulation influenced by Asian culture. The film depicts elements from East Asian, South Asian, and Western culture, making it a mixture of what were previously traditionally separate categories of anime and US domestic cartoons.

Full Metal Panic Anime Girls Pics

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Best Anime Picture

Rental Magica Free Picture

Yu Gi Oh Anime Wallpapers

AAQR: Refraction (free, $1.99) game / puzzle

Refraction is a cute puzzle game that ultimately left me more frustrated than puzzled.

The premise is great: a light / color based puzzle. You need to use a few parts, like mirrors and prisms to get a proper colored light beam from "source" to "destination". There could be more than one of either.

The problem is with the arbitrariness of the puzzle pieces.

You see, with a mirror, the output is obvious. Rotate the mirror to move the beam... somewhat. Else, move the mirror.

With the prism, it ain't so simple. A prism divides a secondary color light back into two components, or it split a single primary color light beam into two. Or if you shine two beams into it you get a combo. In other words, it will "bend" the light. However, the path is completely arbitratry: one goes 45 degrees, while the other output is actually rotatable (huh?!) to a degree. Now does that make any sense?

And I admit, I'm not the brightest guy, but I'm stuck on level 4 (out of 120, really). You get two light beams... yellow, and blue. You need to make TWO green beams... using just 5 prisms. Bending one beam and split off some branches, okay. No problem there. recombining them? NOT so easy. Argh!

Still, it's worth a look. It is unique in a sea of Bejeweled clones and derivatives.

NOTE: The lite version has 20 levels, while the full version has 120 levels (which are NOT the same as the 20 in the lite version)

EDIT: Apparently on the prism you CAN move BOTH beams by tapping the prism itself and it toggles between the exit beams in splitter mode. (This game needs a TUTORIAL!)

Refractions Lite  http://www.appbrain.com/app/refraction-lite/com.textualindices.refractionlite

Refractions Full   http://www.appbrain.com/app/refraction/com.textualindices.refraction
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AAQR: Spectrum Puzzles (free, $1.49)

Spectrum Puzzles is a puzzle where you try to reassemble a picture cut into pieces. The difficulty is that the pieces could have been rotated. You get 4 different sizes for the pieces (simple 3x3, more complicated 4x5, or you can go for crazy 20x20) as well as 3 levels of difficulty, as it depends on the amount of hints you get. If you need help knowing which way to rotate the piece, you can turn on piece hint (if it's the wrong side up, the border stays red). There's over a dozen puzzles for you to try, with different sizes and difficulty levels.

Not bad, but ain't that good either. Worth a try, at least? Chugs a little upon startup.

Free version  http://www.appbrain.com/app/spectrum-puzzles-free/com.stevenhaley.spectrumpuzzlesfree

Full version http://www.appbrain.com/app/spectrum-puzzles/com.stevenhaley.spectrumpuzzles
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AAQR: Wiz Kids Jr. (free, $0.99) (Game / Puzzle)

Wiz Kid Jr. is basically another variation on "link the tiles". The grid is square this time, and you need to get rid of as many linked tiles of same color as possible, minimum of 3 at a time. What's special? Some of those tiles at later level becomes "monsters" that will eat your mana. When they ate all your mana, game over! You get some special spells to beat back the monsters though... hammer breaks them one at a time, while later spells take them out in an area, and more.

It's basically a color / tile matching game, with a semi-coherent back story, but game wise it ain't that different.

Worth a try, I guess.

Wiz Kid Jr. Free Trial   http://www.appbrain.com/app/wiz-kid-jr-free-trial/com.WizKidJrDemo

Wiz Kid Jr Full  $0.99  http://www.appbrain.com/app/wiz-kid-jr/com.WizKidJr
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