
I'm sorry I missed my Monday post. The Gaelcon weekend is a long weekend here, and it tends to take it out of you.

It was a good weekend. I got to see lots of people I don't see very often, and spent the vast majority of the convention surrounded by beautiful ladies. I also took some time to consider how I can promote my book at next year's convention and talked with a friend about some of the sci-fi/fantasy conventions which take place around Dublin, so I have some homework to do there.

On the Sunday night of Gaelcon, my wife Jen and I went to see the Harlem Gospel Choir perform in the National Concert Hall in Dublin. The show was amazing. I never realised Dublin had such a strong Gospel community, but everyone was really getting into the show and got swept up in the mood.

The highlight of the night, in my opinion, was when one of the choir members invited people up to sing on stage. Jen decided she couldn't let the chance to sing on stage with a member of the Harlem Gospel Choir just pass her by, so she got up.

Now, due to a virus she contracted as a child, Jen needs a wheelchair to get around. She manages with crutches for short distances and whenever she's at home, but long walks can be painful. Still, she got up and walked with her crutches to the stage, climbed up, and stood there to perform. The choir member held the microphone for her as she sang Stand By Me.

The crowd went wild, giving her a standing ovation. After the show, people came up to congratulate her and one even invited her to audition for a Dublin-based gospel choir.

Jen has generally kept her singing and music for herself, but I think she may be giving serious consideration to doing something more with it. I've been suggesting she set up a Youtube channel for herself for a while now. This may be the thing that gives her the final push, so watch this space!

I'm off to continue being an immensely proud husband now.