Vegan Baking Cheat Sheet

Baking gluten-free and vegan translates to one simple truth that is hard to teach. Because it can only be learned by experience. This one simple truth?

Unlearn everything you think you know- or thought you understood- about baking.

All those mandatory Home Economics classes about kneading bread dough for ten minutes to improve elasticity or leavening a cake with beaten egg whites won't help your inner Betty Crocker to bloom if you're gluten-free and vegan. In fact, clinging to old notions about what works- and what doesn't- might lead you down a rather prickly circuitous path to ruin. Not to mention, your personal Culinary Museum of Failure. But don't let this bare bones truth inhibit you.

In fact, let it free you.

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Soccer Snacks

It was our week to bring snacks to soccer. You'll never guess what we brought...
soccer coach bailey

Let me just say...I HATE DRAWING PENTAGONS!!! Ugh!

soccer cookies team

These cookies were probably the most difficult ones I've made in a while....I am apparently polygon-challenged. They're not my favorite, either, but the kids liked them. I think everyone enjoys seeing their name on something, don't you?
soccer coach carmelinda

Looking for more sports-related cookies? Try these:

Removable Tattoo Ink

Removable Ink Not Allowed in Miami Ink Tattoo Shop
by Groshan Fabiola

New York based Freedom-2 Inc. has recently developed a new technology that makes the removal of tattoos much easier. This may come off as good news for those who want the art off their bodies, but for those who value the permanent nature of tattoos see this innovation as a complete insult. Take for example Ana Gonzales, an employee at the featured tattoo shop in TLC's reality series, Miami Ink.

"If you hate your tattoo cover it up but at least you've given the artist the benefit of the doubt," Gonzalez said in a telephone interview from Miami, Florida. Ana Gonzales is a secretary and personal assistant to the tattoo artists who regularly appear on Miami Ink.

"If you're going to get a tattoo, get a tattoo. If you don't, then get henna," she added.
Before and after tattoo laser treatment
Removable Tattoo Ink: Before and After Laser Surgery

Removable ink, the new creation of Freedom-2 Inc., has been the subject of heated discussions at the tattoo shop. Gonzales said that the shop, which was co-owned by tattoo artists Ami James and Chris Nunez, has always been against the use of such technology.

"The reaction has always been 'hell no!'" Gonzales told "We're trying to find ink that will last longer, not less."

Aside from Gonzales, other purists also believe that tattoos are supposed to be treated as a legacy and not as a passing fad. Tattoo artist at Way Cool Tattoos in Toronto, Chris Hall also believes that tattoos are a representation of an individual's life experiences, thus should be permanent, such as the experiences themselves.

"[Removable Ink] is an easy out for people who want to get tattoos as fashion accessories but it takes away from their obligation to take responsibility for their choices," Hall said. "To put it on just to take it off totally misses the point."

Miami Ink features customers who have shared their personal stories and motivations for choosing such tattoos, thus further pushing the fact that they are more than just trendy body art. Even the artists' tattoos have stories hidden beneath the art and are often representations of an important phase or milestone in their lives.

TLC's Miami Ink will come back for a brand new season in the fall.

For more resources about Miami Ink or for the full story about Removable Ink Not Allowed in Miami Ink Tattoo Shop please review this page
Article Source:


my 7th award from Ditty, makasi yah.

  1. Post the award asap
  2. Tag the award to people as many as you like
  3. Mention 5 of your fav blogs with the reason
  4. Mention the person who gives you this award
2. i want to tagg..
Little miss day dream
Shida Aruya
Dwi Amtisari

3. my fav blog..
ahh semuanya favorite kokk. i can't choose to top 5, they're all the cutest xD

4. Ditty, yah si dityymizzlizzy my new friend from bloggers that kind enough to tag me awards.
& she's a beatlemania. xD ♥♥

Shaped card with flower power Tilda - Three Clovers Designs challenge

Boy am I ever showing my age with that title, huh?? LOL! Isn't she cute? First, before I forget, I've got to give a big shout out to my design team sista Suzy! Suzy has been making these adorable cards with her Nesties. Now I read somewhere a while back that making cards with your nesties was easy. But I had never tried it. But with lots of fabulous inspiration from Suzy, I came home tonight after work and did one. OMG, I love it! Sooooo quick and easy, and I'm a fiend for shaped cards anyway! I will be making lots more of these. I'll tell you that right now! LOL! But for now, this is what I came up with for Three Clovers Thursday Challenge by Kerry over at Three Clover Designs. Her challenge for you this week is to make a shaped card. Any kind of shape as long as it's not a square or rectangle. LOVE that kind of challenge.
I used this adorable Tilda with garland in her hair. I just LOVE her! I know...I know...I love them all...but I really do LOVE her! LOL! I also used the cute butterfly background stamp that is from the Chasing Butterflies collection. So cute! The stamps are colored with my Copic markers (pic below). All of this is available at Magnolia-licious!

Also did a quick faux chipboard word of "hi" with my Sesame Street Font cartridge with my Cricut Expression. Did a very simple decoration for the inside of the card too. This little cutie will be up for sale in my etsy shop if you're interested.

That's it for this one. Very quick and easy! Whatcha think?? Be sure and visit Three Clovers Designs to check out the challenge and the wonderful examples from the awesome Inspiration Team. Thanks lots for stopping by to see me tonight, and I sure hope to see you again soon! Have a fabulous weekend!!!! Big hugs!

♥ Proses Pasang BEHEL

Alhamdulillah pemasangan behel udah dijalani.
Alhamdulillah gue gak ngerasa sakit apapunn.. prosesnya cepet.
pertama-tama gue di bersihin dulu karang giginya..
terus gigi kelinci depan gue kan ada yg patah & bengkok sedikit, yg itu di tambal ama dokternya biar rataa gigi gue.
abis itu mulai deh dipasangin kawat, tadinya gue mau yg warna baby pink cuman tipe behel gue kan yg crystal safire jadi kawatnya dasarnya bahan transparan, soo gue ganti warna yg shocking pink aja supaya 'keliatan' warnanya. hehee. xD

pokoknya gue bersyukur bgt prosesnya gak sakit sama sekali, dari awal sampai akhir aman.
sariawan juga Alhamdulillah sama sekali gak ada.
tapi proses pemasangan behel buat gigi bawah gue bisanya minggu depan karena pas dibersihin karang giginya gigi gue meradang.. darah kga berhenti2. jadi musti nunggu seminggu.
gakpapa.. dehh.

gigi gue tambah monyong nee~
mudah2an hasilnya giginya cepet masuk biar pede lagi. hehee. ♥♥

Gluten-Free Pizza Flatbread with Roasted Vegetables

Gluten free pizza flatbread recipe
An easy gluten-free pizza flatbread topped with roasted veggies.

I've been offering up picnic food recipes this week because we're eating easy picnic style here in the final countdown phase of leaving for our summer adventure in Los Angeles. Only four remaining stacks of books to box, a tilting fence of wet paintings to frame, and the all important decision of which t-shirts, pots and kitchen power tools to pack stand in the way of our coffee fueled departure early next week.

I am reminded of the opening scene of A Walk on the Moon where Pearl and Lilian Kantrowitz are cramming the family car with colanders and tablecloths and onions and potato peelers. Kitchen stuff for their summer cabin in the Catskills. Such a production this is. Planning ahead for gluten-free snacks on the road (chocolate cupcakes are a must, and popcorn) and an easy microwavable supper for the hotel in Arizona (I'm thinking I'll freeze some of my favorite Mac and Cheese). We still don't have a rental lined up. And the storms knocked out our Internet this week. I'm lucky to be on at all tonight.

So yours truly has been running out of steam by cocktail hour, whipped not only by the attention-to-detail process of organizing two lives and shedding old stuff, but by the monsoon season thunderstorms growling across the Chama River in the afternoons, sending wind and rain and howling coyotes up the mesa. And knocking out our web access.

So forgive me if I have not responded to a comment or a question. I haven't been on-line much. Or participated on Twitter. I've been a total social network slacker stranded out here in the wilds. Cooking up flatbreads and Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies between rinsing out empty shampoo bottles. Thinking of you.

Hoping you're having a wonderful week!

Read >>

Edible Image Cookies

terri 40 5
I realized when posting Terri's birthday cookies that I've never posted about her 40th birthday cookies.

Now, I hope Terri won't mind me stating her age, since she looks younger every time I see her.
{In a few years, I'll be making "29" cookies for her. I know, you'll want to hate her, but she's really nice, so you can't.}

So, I had this idea to use a drawing of Terri and have it printed on icing sheets for her cookies.
terri 40 art
First, you need a really talented relative that you can guilt into making the drawing. (Thank you, Maura.)

Then, format the picture to the size you want it to be on the cookies. If you're lucky enough to own an icing printer (oh, how I would LOVE an icing printer!), print them off. If not, do what I did and take the file to your local bakery supply store for printing.

When you are ready to make the cookies, trim the pictures to the right size. Outline and fill the cookies as normal.

While the icing is still wet, peel off the backing of the picture and place onto the icing.
terris 40 drying
Now, here's what I learned the HARD WAY...add a day to the drying time. The icing sheet traps the moisture in the royal icing. It really needs 2 days to dry totally.

I made them the night before, started to bag them up and hop in the car to drive to the party, and OH, NO! The cookies were still wet. I cranked down the AC, turned the fans on high and prayed for the best.
terri 40 1
Well, by the end of the evening, some of the cookie icing was stuck to the interior of the cookie bags. It's the thought that counts, right? :)

If you like these cookies, check out more cookies I made using my cousin Maura's fabulous artwork!!!
Cookies from Art

Graduation word book

This was made for a friend and cohort that I work with. It's for her daughter that is graduating from High School this year. I've been working on this for a while, so I'm very relieved to finally have it finished. WHEW!!! I cut the word book with my Pazzle and word book cd which I purchased from Hallmark Scrapbook. All the DP is the FABULOUS Basic Grey Lime Rickey line. I fell in love with it and felt it would be perfect for this. I hope they agree. :) It's all put together with my Bind-it-all.

I used several Martha Stewart border punches throughout. The backgrounder stamp is from Cornish Heritage Farms. I also used my Nestabilities almost all the way through it.

B was cut with my Cricut Expression. the 4 and the swirl are BG Lime Rickey chipboard.

These stamps are by Kim Hughes, colored with copics.

The ladybug and bee friends is a stamp from Stampendous colored with my Copic markers.

skull and crossbones is from Life is a Beach cartridge, rose is from Indie Art.

Stamp is a downloadable freebie from Dustin Pike colored with copics. The rain clouds are from a Magnolia stamp. Sentiment for this cute bee was computer generated.

camera and flash is from Locker Talk cartridge, the label for the little album is from Fabulous Finds, and the word fun was cut with the Sesame Street Font cartridge.

All of these cuts were from the LIfe is a Beach cartridge. The umbrella was made into faux chipboard by cutting six of them and gluing together.

The clear envies and file folders are by Rob and Bob Studio, and the family stamps are some that have nothing with them to tell me who made them. Sorry about that!

That's it! That's what I've been working on for weeks in my free time from work. I hope they enjoy it! Whatcha think?? Thanks for stopping by to visit me today, and I sure hope you come back to see me again soon! HUGS!
OH! Today is the day for a new challenge by Kerry over at Three Clovers Designs. I wasn't able to participate this week, even though I really wanted to. But please be sure and pop over there to find out what the new challenge is for this week! It's a fun one. I promise you'll love it!

Absinthe Kubler Body Painting

Group body painting on semi-nude women with the Absinthe Kubler logo.

Related posts:
* Red Bull Body Painting


rencananya Jumat ini atau BESOK gue mau pasang
behel atau braces.
sebenernya udah diniatin dari dulu cuman baru sempet sekarang sekalian mumpung liburan sebulan.
udah cek & bikin jadwal ke dokternya kemaren. gue di Klinik Dental Estetika Bintaro di sektor 9. kebetulan deket rumah gue jadi sekalian aja.
rencananya gue mau pasang yg jenis
Crystal Safire, karena bisa diwarnain gue maunya warna baby pink. hahaa.

prosesnya sih katanya..

  1. giginya di rontgen di RS Intl Bintaro.. udh barusan gue kesana bayar Rp.350rb 2x foto.
  2. terus besok dicetak giginya
  3. selanjutnya diliat ada gigi yg mau dicabut gak. kalo ada ya cabut dulu.
  4. truss dibius dengan disuntik boo & baru deh dipasang kawat2nya.. udah lengkap baru ditarik. (katanya proses yg ini sakit bgt yahh?)
gue sebenernya takut bgt..
tapi karena demi kecantikan & kerapihan gigi gue, gue niatin ajaa lahh.
bagi yg udah pasang behel, gue minta info & saran2nya dongg..
sakit gak sih waktu prosesnya, pas nyuntiknya sakit gakk?
terus abis dipasang kerasa gimana?
pokoknya cerita yahh bagi2 pengalaman, pls pls.
soalnya gue mau
nyiapin mental dari sekarang2. biar gak kaget pas hari H nya.


oh yaa karna besok pemasangan behel dimulai jam 9 pagi, jadi gue minta doanya dari kalian semua. semoga pemasangan behel di gigi risya berjalan lancar, baik2 aja, dan sakitnya gak seberapa sakit. AMIN RAKBAL ALAMIN. ♥♥

Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 8 Wallpapers, Imahes, Pics

Microsoft IE 8 Wallpapers | Download Free Wallpapers of Microsoft Internet Explorer 8. I used this and it's very nice browser, i think now Firefox and Chrome may be out of market or they might loose their popularity. From few months (1 or 2) Firefox has some problems when we open more than 10 tabs, firefox hang and we need to restart browser, now IE 8 is best option in replace of it.

Click & Download IE 8 Wallpapers

Windows Internet Explorer 8

Internet Explorer 8

I had to try it...

english muffin basket
Ever since making homemade English muffins, I've had visions of pink ♥-shaped muffins dancing in my head.

Well...they didn't exactly turn out like the muffins of my dreams, but they are still good.
english muffin hearts cut
english muffin hearts

Here's what I learned:
  1. Gel/Paste food coloring does not "knead in." I ended up with marbleized dough...good if you are going for the 60's psychedelic look.
  2. Heart-shaped dough doesn't necessarily stay heart-shaped. Anyone for English muffin amoebas?
  3. Most important, my neighbor makes a killer strawberry jam!!! (And it is the prettiest shade of red!)
english muffin jam
I think I'm sticking to the original from now on. :)
{If only I can get my hands on some more jam. Hmmmm...}

Baby Shower Cuts - File Added to the Blog Cut Files

The cut file for the cute baby shower set has been added to my blog. Thanks for those who were interested.

Lotus Flower Tattoos

Lotus TattoosAmong the perfect option for tattoo style is diverse types of flowers. Several individuals opt for floral ink designs. One of the most popular floral ink designs is the lotus tattoo. This is due to the flower possessing a unique, strong and deep representation.

Lotus Tattoos: An Influential Statement
Author: Bobbie Hamilton

Tattoos are one of the popular ways to express an individuality or personality. In fact, each tattoo design has a symbolism or meaning which represents you. Therefore, your task is to select among the available ink designs that you might come across. Among the perfect option for tattoo style is diverse types of flowers. Several individuals opt for floral ink designs. One of the most popular floral ink designs is the lotus tattoo. This is due to the flower possessing a unique, strong and deep representation.

Lotus flower tattoo

Lotus flower tattoos are a favorite among flower tattoo designs.

Lotus flower meanings are straightly associated to how the flower cultivates. As you imagine what is underneath a body of motionless water like pond, you will have a hard time to think about anything enjoyable. In fact, the first things that will come across your mind when you think about the bottom of a pond are scum. However, this is where the gorgeous and magnificent lotus flower begins.

Lotus flowers starts to flourish from underneath the unmoving water. It starts as a small bud connected to a vine. Eventually, the vine will start to ascend towards the water surface. Amazingly, the bud progresses to look downward even the vine emerge to the surface and sunlight. As the bud reach closer to the surface, this will finally see the sunlight. When the vine nurtures long enough and when the bud is out of the water, it will bloom into a very attractive flower.

There are numerous influential symbolism's in a "lotus flower". Think about something so stunning that can emerge out from a slimy and disgusting pond bottom. As it finally sees the sunshine and was away from the slime and muck it will come out into something stunning.
Among the influential meaning of the lotus flower are:

It symbolizes a separated nostalgia and love related to it.

It represents birth and true beauty within.

It symbolizes a life’s new start.

Only a lotus flower tattoo can symbolize something noteworthy aside from the stunning appearance it possesses. If you are able to search for a tattoo artist who is able to capture the beauty and essence of lotus flower, you will definitely have a master piece on your skin. A lot of lotus flower tattoos have the advantage for acquiring vivid colors that they possess in real life.
Lotus Tattoos Lotus Tattoos Lotus Tattoos

Certainly, a lotus tattoos is an optimum option for an ink if you are thinking about getting one on your skin. You have the right to flaunt this design whenever and wherever you are. This flower has deep representation of how something can emerge from something so awful and arise from it beautifully. Anyone will be mesmerized about the cycle of the lotus flowers. The ladies are the ones who will opt for this design since it is a flower. But, men can also have this on their skin if they want to. The most popular areas to put this on would be the shoulders, back, or legs. Why wait longer, consider this option for your ink if you will have a tattoo.

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About the Author:
Find out more about different tattoo designs.

Red Bull Body Painting

Body painting on semi-nude women with Red Bull logo. Red Bull energy drink was recently banned in Germany due to traces of cocaine in their produce. Read Red Bull Cola Laced With Cocaine


got another award from Onic, thankss darll ~

this is my 6th award. xD
the childhood award.

the rules is to share your childhood memory about your childhood toy(s).


i had a lot of different toys when i was a child, but my top 3 was..
  1. Barbie Dolls
  2. Polly Pocket Toys
  3. & Sailormoon Cards
Barbie, i am sure a lot of youu had loved this doll or even still loving it untill now. I do still like barbie until now, but not as much as i used to when i was a child. I liked to play dress up & pretend that i was as pretty as barbie when i was a child. xD

Polly Pocket, this toy was really fun back in the day. i can decorate of the house, playing drama stories about the charather in the polly pocket house, etc. It felt like i was in a glamour life even though i was just a child.. xD

Sailormoon Collectible Cards, i was soo veryy totally in love with Sailormoon. I watched every single episode of the series, i remember the line when the sailormoon transformed into heroes, well i was pretty much obsessed with them. I still watch it even until now, i own every single episode in my laptop. xD i have every single collection cards from sailormoon, even until now. I think it's still there somewhere in my room.. ♥♥

Christmas Cards in May

Back in January I set a goal to create six Christmas cards each month so that by the December I would have plenty of Christmas cards all done and hopefully much less stress the first week of December. I stumbled a bit in April and did not make all six of my cards. But today I hopped back in the game and made my six May Christmas cards (with 6 days to go)!!! If I can make four more card over the next few days, I will be back on schedule.

Sadly right in the middle of my card project my Wizard started acting up. I am hopeful that Mr. Doug can get it working for me again later tonight as I LOVE my nesties!