A little Martha for Mother's Day...(a giveaway)

{Update: Congratulations, Stephanie at The Happy Homemaker! She's our Martha giveaway winner!!!}

Mother's Day is one week plus one day away. Are you ready? Is your family? ;) Have you dropped any Mother's-Day-is-around-the-corner hints?

Here's my Mother's Day gift to you...or your mom...or your aunt...or your sister... It's just a little thank you for reading the blog. I really DO get a little thrill with every comment!
martha giveaway
Have you seen Martha Stewart's line of goodies at Macy's? {My sister bought the cake doilies for me...they are adorable!} I thought you might like a few goodies of your own to play with! :) You'll receive: 100 Martha mini cupcake liners, 1 set of cupcake/cookie stencils and a box of 6 dotty cupcake and cookie boxes.
martha close

Here's the deal....leave a comment (by Monday at 5pm central, US only) and tell me:

What would you like for Mother's Day?

I want you to be selfish here...I won't tell. We all want world peace and happy, loving children, blah, blah. What do you REALLY want? A trip to Paris? a Kitchen Aid mixer? a $5,000 Pottery Barn gift card? a solid day of quiet? an afternoon cooking with the Take Home Chef? ;)

Here's my short list...
How cute is this shirt from King Arthur?!?!?

How about one of these aprons from Heavenly Hostess? These make me want to bake in pearls and heels!

But, here's my biggie...a trip to The Spa at The Hotel Hershey. Yes, I want to be rubbed, scrubbed and buffed in chocolate. I want to drift back to my room scented with cocoa and order a hot fudge sundae and a chocolate martini from room service. {Hershey's...hubby...are you listening? My bags are packed!}

Alright, now it's your turn...