I Need A New Look

I've had this blog layout for a while now. I like it and it's served me well, but it's not really "me" enough. Also, I've got a different haircut and a full beard instead of the goatee now so my profile pic is well out of date.

I'm thinking about my options for a new look for 2012, specifically to help spruce things up around here for my launch. For the blog itself I still like the current text format and the semi-transparent background field, but that might have to change. Once I have a book cover settled, I'd like to try and use that as the background image for the blog, but in the meantime I have a few choices. I have a friend who has been doing some artwork for me based on my book. It's fantastic work I hope to share closer to the launch date. He's always been an incredible artist and this is some of his best work yet. I may be able to find one of those that would be suitable. Afternatively I could just look for some royalty-free photos of New York, to reflect my book's setting.

Regarding my profile picture, I think it's really time I got my author photo sorted out. I've been thinking a lot about this. Thankfully another friend of mine is a photographer and has agreed to do the shots for me. I have to admit to having no idea what would best suit me as an author photo so I may have to post several online and get some opinions.

Does anyone have any advice for how to decide on author photos or appropriate blog artwork?