Own The Year

Happy new year, everyone. It's safe to say that I'm very, very glad to see the end of 2011. There were good things, absolutely, but it's hard to look back without remembering just how hard a year it was for my wife and I.

So instead of dwelling on that, I'm going to look forward. This is 2012. A new year with new opportunities and new challenges. My first novel is coming out later this year. That's huge, and not a little scary. Over two decades since I decided I wanted to be a writer, it's actually happening, and I couldn't be happier about that. I'm also planning to get the sequel ready and submitted to my publisher soon, ideally in time for the 2013 line-up. Once that's done I'll be starting work on the third book in the series. I'm a firm believer in getting books out there on the shelves, both physical and digital. I'd release a book every month if I could.

On the non-writing side, my wife and I are planning a trip back to New York some time this year. That city will always hold a special place in my heart and now that the hidden world of my series is really taking shape, I want to go to the places I've written about and see them with fresh eyes.

Last year we learned how much our friends love us and what they'll do to take care of us. So this year we're going to do so much more to enjoy being with them. Dinner parties, game nights, cinema trips, you name it, we're going to find ways to share more of our lives with our friends.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I intend to take this year and own it.